I adore my wife; out of millions of women, I chose her to marry, and our commitment is eternal. She is not only my beloved partner but also the future queen.

I adore my wife; out of millions of women, I chose her to marry, and our commitment is eternal. She is not only my beloved partner but also the future queen.The 36-year-old American actress is now engaged to Prince Harry, the redheaded younger brother of Prince William, with a wedding planned for spring 2018.
Here in America, our only princesses are of the Disney variety. But the wedding of Kate and William in 2011 proved that there’s tremendous interest — in some cases, obsession — with the marital machinations of the royal family across the pond.
So even if you aren’t on the edge of your seat wondering who snagged the former “playboy prince,” someone you know probably is. Let’s pretend you’re reading this on their behalf.Like Princess Kate, Markle is a commoner. More unusually, she’s American; she was born in Los Angeles. That makes her the first American to marry into the British royal family since 1937.