“Kelce and Swift became the fairytale story of the 2024 NFL season, captivating headlines as the pop superstar attended numerous Chiefs games amidst their blossoming...
“Fans expressed that they could feel the authenticity of the kiss between the couple. They didn’t care about others’ opinions; they simply joined their lips...
“Don Kelce clasped Taylor Swift’s hand and expressed, ‘You are a blessing to my son Travis Kelce, and nothing can ever separate you two. You have...
How big was the Taylor Swift effect on the Super Bowl? Her impact on viewership of CBS’s Super Bowl LVIII telecast will continue to be...
Whether you’re down a rabbit hole on TikTok or just trying to watch your regular Sunday Night Football, chances are you’ve heard about Taylor Swift...
Just like haters gonna hate, Swifties are gonna swoon over Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s winning romance.The Kansas City Chiefs football player gave supporters of...
Travis Kelce had a very important question at a Super Bowl afterparty on Sunday night — and he used Taylor Swift’s song “You Belong With...
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have already marked some big relationship milestones, but will they be able to spend their first Valentine’s Day together? ...
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s love story just keeps getting sweeter! After clinching an exciting 25-22 win over the San Francisco 49ers in the 2024 Super...