Breaking News: Man who claims to be the ‘secret love child’ of King Charles III and Queen Camilla seeks legal help to prove his royalty” I just need my royal identity he claims”

Australian Man Claims to Be Secret Love Child of King Charles III and Queen Camilla, seeks court help to prove his “royal heritage”.
Queensland-based British-born Australian Simon Dorante-Day has been on a quest to prove his royal lineage and the possibility of having blue blood running through his veins.
Adopted at eight months old by a couple whose parents worked for the late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Simon grew up with the belief that he was the secret love child of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.
Dorante-Day’s claims
Alleged prince’s theory centres around a 1965 trip to Australia, during which he claims that his supposed father, then just 17 years old, impregnated Camilla out of wedlock. As many headlines would have it known today, Charles and Camilla met much earlier in the year 1970, to be precise, but Simon does not have any doubt about it.
Buckingham Palace has never publicly addressed Dorante-Day’s claims, but he continues to seek confirmation of his identity.
Now, as the King and Queen plan a royal visit to Australia in October, Simon sees an opportunity to launch a legal bid. He intends to take them to court, urging them to submit to a paternity test.
Alleged Prince Simon not looking for fame or money-just the royal identity
In an interview with 7News, Simon revealed his determination to uncover the truth. While keeping specific details of the case private, he assured that he and his wife, Dr Elvianna Dorante-Day, have been working tirelessly to gather proof.
When asked about his legal strategy, Simon told the outlet, “What am I going to do this time? Well, I’d be a very silly person not to take action when he comes into the same jurisdiction as me. But I think I’d be even sillier to reveal my hand prematurely.”
“You know, there’s always something going on in the background here at our place. It never stops. People think just because it goes quiet on Facebook, [the case] is quiet, but it doesn’t. We’re hammering in the background.”
Simon has been seeking a DNA test from Charles and Camilla for several years. He clarifies, “These accusations that I’m doing this for money? Yeah, right, okay. And I’m doing it for fame? None is true”
“I’m 100 percent confident that I will have the answers,” he asserts.
“I’m not doing all this to be a Facebook character. And I’ve had to learn to do this and objectionably at times because we were private people.”
Alleged ‘Prince Simon’ continued, “All we want is the truth. All we want him to do is tell the truth, and her, Camilla as well. They both need to own up.”