Nicole Kayla says, She won’t back off, and she won’t give up. she won’t stand by and watch what belongs to me be taken away by someone else. Travis Kelce is my man, my love, the one I love.”

tell me way to say this, Nicole kayla says travis kelce should impregnate taylor swift before married her , because taylor swift cant have kids she is barring she cant product kids for travis kelce,,,Fans responded to Nicole Kayla’s text, questioning why there seemed to be animosity between the two women, leading them to exchange such words. In response, Taylor Swift replied with laughter and teased Nicole Kayla, saying, “Wait and see, Nicole Kayla.”
Nicole Kayla asserts her statement, claiming it to be true based on her own experiences as a woman. She advises Travis Kelce to consider her words before proceeding further with Taylor Swift, as she believes marriage without children may feel empty.Taylor Swift confronted Nicole, warning her to cease tarnishing her image and spreading false information. She urged Nicole to refrain from making baseless accusations and spreading rumors about her. Taylor clarified that she was not responsible for Nicole’s relationship issues and advised her to reflect on why her partner left her.