Travis Kelce jokingly suggests that he’d be like Zorro slicing through opponents as he and Jason contemplate their inevitable showdown on History Channel’s ‘Forged in Fire’. They both insist that it’s just a matter of time before they compete on the show, as discussed in the latest episode of New Heights.

Jason and Travis Kelce are more than prepared to battle it out in the forge as they revealed they want to make swords.Jason was invited to fulfil his ‘dream’ of testing his blacksmithing skills by one of the judges from Forged in Fire after revealing he was a big fan of the History Channel program.Edged weapon combat specialist Doug Marcaida extended the offer for Jason to battle against his brother Travis at the forge last week as the Philadelphia Eagles legend heads into retirement.
I enjoyed that, I didn’t know what it meant though,’ Travis said, referring to Marcaida’s catchphrase ‘keal.”So, the judges always test the knives whenever they’re having the bladesmiths forge in the fire and Doug is always the one on the last one who’s cutting into some sort of animal or gelatin mold and it’s his job to tell if the weapon can keal, which I think is just the way he pronounces kill,’ Jason explained.
will keal’ is actually Marcaida’s catchphrase on the show with keal an acronym for ‘keep everyone alive.’Travis claimed they had to be using a gelatin mold as he joked he wasn’t sure cutting into an animal was suitable television viewing.’Forged in Fire’ features world-class bladesmiths competing against each other to create some of history’s most iconic edged weapons and it appears to be one of Jason’s favorite shows.,’Big fan of judges, ever since watching it’s hard to not want to do that,’ the Eagles legend continued. ‘It just looks like fun.’
‘If you’re a guy and you get the chance to make a knife and use the knife or a sword, f*** it, I’m in,’ Travis added.’It doesn’t get any better than that. I’d be f***ing Zorro with that thing. Slicing ‘Ts’ and everything.Travis’s chance to act out his Zorro fantasy could come sooner than later as both brothers insisted they had to take Marcaida up on his offer this offseason.When are we doing this?’ Jason asked ‘Because it’s not matter of if but when.’
‘I think we’re going to have to time this up with Douggy and figure this out because this is definitely on the to-do list this offseason for sure,’ Travis agreed.Travis insisted they had to make swords, declaring that he’d forge a Samauri sword and offering Jason the option of an ‘old knight’s sword’ but Jason claimed he’d go for a Viking one.Last week an excitable Jason eagerly responded to Marcaida’s invitation on X, formerly known as Twitter, claiming it would be a dream.
‘This is the coolest thing ever, it would literally be a dream come true Doug,’ he wrote, quote-tweeting Marcaida’s video. ‘Even if it doesn’t Keel! But I definitely want it too.’It came after Jason told his Travis about his post-retirement plans on the previous episode of the podcast.In addition to getting into shape, Jason insisted he would make more time for housework to help out wife Kylie